Avoiding a break-in at your home is much easier than you might think. Taking a few simple steps to make your property seem like an unappealing target is quite often enough to make sure a criminal who happens to be eyeing your home decide it's not worth the effort. Criminals tend to be incredibly lazy, and most can't be bothered to put in the extra work required to circumvent even the most basic home security systems.

This is great news for you since it means that investing in a home security system that is installed and monitored by experienced professionals is enough to keep most burglars from ever approaching your home. The very real threat of getting caught sneaking around on property that is under surveillance can go a long way towards protecting your home, your valuables, and your family. In fact, homes that don't have a security system are three times more likely to be broken into than homes that do have a security system of some type in place.

But of course, a home security system is so much more than just a scare tactic. Today's systems offer a ton of great options to fit the needs of both your home and your lifestyle, with mobile apps and other add-ons giving you more ways to monitor and interact with your security system. Having that sticker or yard sign in place that warns would-be intruders that your home is protected is just the beginning.

There are two basic types of alarm systems available; monitored and non-monitored. Monitored systems are the type of security solution most people picture when they think about home security. These are the systems that are provided by a security company that employs a team of people whose job is to keep tabs on your property and contact both you and the proper authorities when an alarm is triggered.

Many of these systems have two-way communication built into the security wall panel or other devices, allowing you to speak directly to a representative who can help you handle the situation quickly. In the interest of prioritizing your personal safety, some security companies will contact you through text message or email to alert you to a suspected security breach. Depending on the type of system you choose, your security solution will have a battery backup in place which will allow the system to alert the company's monitoring station in the event of a power outage. That way, you'll never have to worry about your system failing you when you need it most.

A high decibel alarm is a standard part of both monitored and non-monitored systems, emitting a shrill alarm sound when a motion sensor or other alert is triggered. The noise is usually enough to spook a burglar into leaving, stopping a break-in before they have a chance to take anything. If you have an off the shelf, non-monitored system in place, the alarm is your signal to call the authorities. Again, depending on the solution you choose, you can have text or email alerts sent to your mobile device to inform you of suspicious activity. If you happen to be out of the house when you get one of these alerts, you can contact the authorities to have them check on your home.

Non-monitored systems are becoming more sophisticated, with many offering added features and capabilities that are almost able to match what a professional security system offers. Cameras and other high-tech options make building a more comprehensive system a possibility, and remote self-monitoring through mobile apps gives you control over activating and deactivating alarms. However, these non-monitored systems rely fully on you. If you miss an alert, there is no one watching your home who can send authorities to handle any situation that comes up.

The single biggest advantage of having a professionally monitored home security system installed in the peace of mind it provides. Whether you're at work, out running errands, on vacation, or asleep in your bed, your home and your family are protected. Systems that combine security with fire or water detection offer protection against non-criminal damage, and ensure that the right people are sent to help you as soon as an alert is triggered. Systems with two-way communication can also act as a quick way to signal help in the event of a medical emergency.

Protecting your home is a big job, and require more than just remembering to lock your doors when you leave for the day or turn in for the night. The wide range of home security system solutions available to today's home owners exists because these solutions are effective, and have proven to be the best way to keep you and your family safe from intruders and other potential dangers.

Want to find out more about the industry-leading security system technology Powered Protection provides? Contact us at This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. or (716) 822-7000.