By Tom Powers on Tuesday, 10 September 2019
Category: Home Security

Eliminate Vulnerabilities In Your Home Security

Keeping your home safe means knowing where the gaps in your home security are, and how to get rid of them.

In the modern digital age when hacking and identity theft are more common than ever, it can be easy to overlook something that seems as simple as home security. You'd think criminals have given up burglary for more indirect and lucrative alternatives, but that's just not true.

There are still millions of burglaries every year in the US alone, which is why it's so important for you to ensure that your home is safe and secure. However, it may not be as simple as you think.

Many assume that any home security system will be enough to keep them safe from burglars and intruders, but that's not necessarily true. Home security is a big industry, and as such, there's no end of choices when it comes to finding one to keep you safe. How can you tell which is the most secure?

Start by considering which aspects of your home are taken into consideration by the security system – if it only deals with your doors and main windows, it's really not doing the full job. There is a range of common, unseen vulnerabilities in home security that need to be addressed in order to ensure confident security.

Garage Door Windows

Whereas a security system may install sensors for the windows in the main part of your home, it's unlikely that the same attention will be given to the windows along the top panel of your garage door. That makes them an easy target for criminals trying to gain access. Be sure to either install sensors along those windows or, often more conveniently, replace the garage door with one that doesn't have windows.

Doggy Doors

It's an easy one to overlook, but it's true – exterior pet doors are commonly an easy way for a burglar to reach in and turn the deadbolt without having to force their entry. By investing in a quality door and professional installation, you can equip the door with one- or two-way locking mechanisms that can deter intruders from trying to get in the way your dog does.

Back Yard Sheds

It's not actually in your home, so this one can be easy to forget about. However, sheds often store valuable tools, ladders, and pricey home maintenance equipment such as a riding lawn mower or snow blower. Forgetting to lock your shed, or using one made out of flimsy material makes all of this equipment easy for burglars to reach. Be sure to lock the shed when you're not using it, and consider installing an alarm if you're especially worried about losing valuable equipment.

Spare House Keys

Everyone knows about "hidden" house keys at this point, so are they really all that hidden? Whether you're keeping it under a rock, up along the edge of the door, or under a mat, burglars know enough to check the area around a door to see if you made their job easier for them. Instead of leaving a key for anyone to find, why not leave a spare with a trustworthy neighbor, or even better, invest in a numbered keypad lock for one of your doors. That way, if someone has lost their key, they just need to remember the passcode – but be sure to change the numbers on a regular basis!

Visible Valuables

You may have your living room set up just the way you like it, but it's worth considering whether you've designed an enticing display for any potential criminals checking out your neighborhood for their next target. Having your big screen TV, multiple laptops, expensive art or other costly possessions in clear view of a window could entice burglars to choose your house over another. Consider moving the more valuable items in your house out of the line of sight of anyone passing by in order to keep the potential payoff of a break-in unknown.

Don't Forget To Address Safety Hazards

As important as it is to secure your home against intruders, you also have to make sure it's safe for your family, pets, and others. That means identifying and addressing any potential safety hazards.

One type of hazard that you may not have thought of is the window well – they're easy to forget about, and more dangerous than you may think. Animals and children can easily fall to them, get trapped, and worse, causing harm to themselves and often the window as well. Be sure to invest in custom fit, locking window well covers to ensure that your little ones, and any curious critters, are kept safe.

For more information about protecting your home from invasion and burglary, get in touch with the Powered Protection team at (716) 822-7000 or email us